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Grades 1-3

Understanding Color & Design

Children will learn basic skills in composition and design. They will learn the difference between organic and geometric shapes as well as primary, secondary, and complimentary colors. The course offers the children an opportunity to explore a variety of media, but begin to develop discipline in drawing, shape, composition, and color choices.

Grades 1-6

Basic Cartooning

The course is designed for children to learn discipline in grid drawing copying fun cartoon characters of various shapes and sizes, moods, and species. They will learn the basics on the proper way to hold a pencil, but also begin to develop an understanding of line quality and intersecting shapes.

Grades 1-6

Introduction to Still Life

Children will become accustomed at a young age to drawing basic objects with basic shapes from observation using vine charcoal on newsprint as media.  The course also offers opportunities for children to learn to understand proportion and measuring with the goal of eventually producing accurate, naturalistic drawings.

Grades 1-6

Foundations of Drawing from Life

The introductory part of the course is designed to teach children light and shade as it relates to geometric shapes of various textures. As they begin to learn basic skills using graphite and charcoal as media, they begin to draw a still life from observation. They will learn to warm up with quicker drawings, and move toward longer observations. Composition, proportion, line quality, appropriate use of media will all be emphasized in this course.

Grades 4-6

Anatomy for Drawing - People

Understanding skeletal and muscular anatomy is essential for drawing people accurately. Children will begin to study through drawing artistic anatomy as well as from the masters of the Renaissance. In this course, children will begin to memorize muscle to bone relationships as preparation for future development in analytical figure drawing.

Grades 4-6

Basic Perspective Drawing

Children will be introduced to one point, two point, and three point perspectives. They will learn basic composition skills with regard to proportion as it relates to both geometric and organic shapes. They will learn techniques with triangle rulers to develop basic interior and exterior designs.

Grades 4-6

Introduction to Portrait Drawing

Children will learn the basics of portrait drawing by understanding skeletal and muscular anatomy in the face, proper proportion and placement, as well as an analysis of proper drawing of various features of the face. They will also begin to draw portraits starting with the profile using charcoal and newsprint as media.

Grades 4-6

Comic Book Character Design

This course will give children an opportunity to come up with a particular character, costume, and draw the character from various angles. The children will also consider basic story development as well. In addition, children will be introduced to inking their drawings with permanent markers of various line widths.

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